Enable the implementation of collective variables (CVs) and functions in the Python language.
The PYCV module enables PLUMED2 Collective Variables (CVs) and arbitrary functions to be defined and auto-differentiated in the Python language.
Advantages of using PYCV over standard development of CVs in C++ are:
This page and the associated paper describe the first implementation of PYCV. Since PLUMED 2.9, a newer variant of PYCV is distributed with PLUMED, albeit with a different syntax and installation procedure. Please see tutorial 24.015. I recommend adapting your code to use the “official” PYCV, if possible.
The code is organized as a standard PLUMED module: development occurs
in a fork of the original
repository. All
code is in the src/pycv
and regtest/pycv
The PYCV module defines the following actions:
, to implement single- and multi-component CVs in Python;PYTHONFUNCTION
, to implement arbitrary functions.In both cases, a Python interpreter is first started; the Python file
indicated in the IMPORT=
keyword is then imported; from it, an
user-chosen function (FUNCTION=
) is called to perform the
computations at each timestep. Modules can be shared for multiple
functions, and contain one-time initialization.
Transparent auto-differentiation, JIT compilation, and vectorization are available through Google’s JAX library (recommended).
Please see the generated documentation and regression tests.
Python 3 is required. Under OSX, Homebrew’s Python 3 package works well. Conda also seems to work. Make sure you have a Python version recent enough that this command works:
python3-config --embed --ldflags
You will also need to install numpy
, either via pip3 install
or your distribution’s packages.
Warning If
is not available, PYCV will be disabled in theconfigure
Automatic differentiation examples require the JAX library: install
it with pip3 install jax jaxlib
. That can be installed later,
after building.
Follow the usual PLUMED 2 configuration procedure, i.e. check-out the PYCV repository and then:
git clone https://github.com/giorginolab/plumed2-pycv.git
cd plumed2-pycv
./configure --enable-modules=+pycv
make -j4
make install # optional
Please inspect the configure messages to see if any missing dependency prevents PYCV from actually being enabled.
In case your system has multiple python versions, you may select the one to be
embedded adding the argument pycv_python3_config=...
to configure
For example: ./configure --enable-modules=+pycv pycv_python3_config=/bin/python3.10-config
Installation under Conda seems unexplicably complicated. For one, Conda lacks a symbolic link that you can recreate with
ln -s $CONDA_PREFIX/lib/libpython* $(python3-config --embed --configdir)
But other problems remain, and they are being investigated.
On a clean miniconda environment with the conda-forge
the following combination worked at least partially:
conda create -n pycv -c conda-forge numpy python=3.10
conda activate pycv
conda install -c conda-forge compilers make
ln -s $CONDA_PREFIX/lib/libpython* $(python3-config --embed --configdir)
./configure --enable-modules=+pycv
make -j4
make -k
Which generates plumed-runtime
and plumed-static
, but not plumed
In practice:
pip install jax jaxlib
PLUMED_PROGRAM_NAME=$PWD/src/lib/plumed-static make -C regtest/pycv/
PLUMED_KERNEL=$PWD/src/lib/libplumedKernel.so PLUMED_PROGRAM_NAME=$PWD/src/lib/plumed-runtime make -C regtest/pycv/
Verify the successful installation with e.g.
./src/lib/plumed-static manual --action PYTHONCV
which should return the manual for PYTHONCV
. (The plumed-static
executable should work even without installation.)
Next, try the regression tests:
PLUMED_PROGRAM_NAME=$PWD/src/lib/plumed-static make -C regtest/pycv/
The following Colab notebook should demonstrate all of the above (but may become outdated): PyCV build and test
Note (It is also possible to compile the module as a
-able dynamic object. Once in thesrc/pycv
directory, issuemake PYCV.so
under OSX). The compilation step should pick Python-specific flags as long as the correctpython3-config
executable is in your path.)
Here’s a quick example to whet your appetite, following the regression test rt-jax2
export PLUMED_PROGRAM_NAME=$PWD/src/lib/plumed-static
make -C regtest/pycv/rt-jax2
The files in regtest/pycv/rt-jax2
are reproduced here:
File plumed.dat
File jaxcv.py
# Import the JAX library
import jax.numpy as np
from jax import grad, jit, vmap
# Implementation of the angle function. @jit really improves speed
def angle(x):
r1 = x[0,:]-x[1,:]
r2 = x[2,:]-x[1,:]
costheta = np.dot(r1,r2) / np.sqrt(np.dot(r1,r1) * np.dot(r2,r2))
# OR: costheta = np.dot(r1,r2) / np.linalg.norm(r1) / np.linalg.norm(r2)
theta = np.arccos(costheta)
return theta
# Use JAX to auto-gradient it
grad_angle = grad(angle)
# The CV function actually called
def cv1(x):
return angle(x), grad_angle(x)
A number of PLUMED-style regression tests are provided to test and demonstrate the package features.
Name | Feature |
rt-1 |
Basic test (distance of two atoms), pure Python, no gradient |
rt-2 |
CV and gradient explicitly coded, pure Python |
rt-3 |
Multiple PYTHON actions in the same file |
rt-f1 |
Function, pure Python |
rt-f2 |
Function, with JIT and auto-gradient, with MATHEVAL equivalent |
rt-jax1 |
Distance CV with JAX reverse-mode differentiation |
rt-jax2 |
Angle CV with JAX reverse-mode differentiation and JIT decorator |
rt-jax3 |
Radius of curvature, as in doi:10.1016/j.cpc.2018.02.017 |
rt-multi1 |
Multi-component CV, pure Python |
rt-multi2 |
Multi-component CV, with JAX reverse-mode differentiation |
To run:
cd [path_to_repository]
export PLUMED_PROGRAM_NAME=$PWD/src/lib/plumed
cd regtest/pycv
Missing modules at run time: you may need to set the PYTHONHOME
environment variable.
uncaught exception [...] The interpreter is already running
occurs if the module is loaded twice. The most common cause is when
it is both built-in in the current kernel, and loaded as a module.
Behavior with MPI, and JAX’s GPU/TPU offloading are untested.
Toni Giorgino toni.giorgino@gmail.com
Please report bugs and ideas via this repository’s Issues.
Giorgino T. PYCV: a PLUMED 2 Module Enabling the Rapid Prototyping of Collective Variables in Python. The Journal of Open Source Software 4(42):1773
PYCV is distributed under the LGPL terms: see COPYRIGHT.
PYCV includes the pybind11 library, distributed under its own license terms (BSD-3).